Tips for Nails on the Dermalorian™ Podcast

While some cases of nail disease can be fairly easy to diagnose, others can present a challenge. Atypical presentations and concomitant diseases are just a few of the potential challenges to accurate diagnosis and treatment. In this episode of the Dermalorian™ Podcast from the DEF, (SCROLL DOWN FOR LINKS TO EACH STREAMING SERVICE!) DERM faculty member April Armstrong, MD, MPH provides practical guidance on the diagnosis and management of nail disease. She emphasizes the importance of checking all 20 nails and shares practical tips for treating nail disease.

Also in this edition, DEF Founder Joe Gorelick, MSN, FNP-C reveals the 2024 Contact Allergen of the Year and DEF Advisory Council Member Andrea Nguyen, PA-C talks skincare.

This and previous episode can be found on all major streaming services.

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