benzoyl peroxide for back acne? purging?

Hi! i (19F) have started using a 5% benzoyl peroxide wash (benzac) today on my back, and a little on my chest.

it’s the middle of summer where i am and i’m suffering wearing only t-shirts 😭😭. i have mild back acne, mostly smaller spots with a few larger ones (2-3 at most when its at its worst)

i have been using a 5% benzoyl peroxide gel on my face for a month, and it’s finally starting to clear after purging! yay! i HATE my back acne, its making me really insecure and depressed (and hot covering it)

i was wondering if my back will purge too? and how long until i start seeing results, is it different from the face?

submitted by /u/dolluvr
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