Years long acne struggle

I’m a male in my late teens, and I have struggled with acne for years (8+). As far as I know my parents didn’t have any, my siblings did but for sure not as bad as mine. I have tried everything— benzoyl wash, accutane TWICE, oxy pads, i was thinking about differin gel, but I really don’t think it would work.

I do stress a decent amount, but I sleep plenty, drink plenty of water, so I’m thinking it’s stress/hormones now.

My face isn’t bad at all, few pimples a week. It’s my body that gets it the worst. My chest right between the breasts gets a couple, my collarbone gets red spots, and my shoulders/back have been flaring up for the past two years almost.

Any ideas for me?

submitted by /u/Training_Display_575
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